
Friday, January 4, 2013

Slut Shaming via Tumblr

So you may have seen this article on BuzzFeed, "Girl-On-Girl Crime: The 'Did You Know' Slut-Shamers of Tumblr". In case you're unfamiliar with the 'Did You Know' meme, here's a quick review of the original post and then here's a recap of the response to it.

It all originated with this extremely photo-shopped photo on Tumblr. Catch the irony here? Honestly, I think his intentions were good. But as Jezebel and Slacktory pointed out, their well-meaning message is actually one of misogynistic slut-shaming.


1. Women do not need a man's validation. See a recent post on Animals Talking in All Caps, which happens to be a fav of mine.

2. What the young man is referring to in this photo is, I believe, the "natural look". Now, speaking as a young woman, I do not go out of the house in my "natural" state. I take the time to do my hair, makeup, and put on nice clothing because that is my choice. If a woman does not want to do any of the above, or a mix of the above, then cool. Her choice. But the "natural look" that this man is referring to requires careful makeup application and styled hair. So one does, in fact, need makeup to look beautiful because that is the society we live in (see the New York Times discussion about the value of makeup for women).

3. This photo is an excellent example of girl-on-girl slut-shaming. Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinions regarding dress and their own personal choices of how to dress themselves. Do I walk around in low-cut tops? Nope. Not my style. Do I make fun of women who do? Nope. Whatever they want to wear, they should wear. I am not, however, a fan of a woman wearing something specifically because it is "expected of her" or to "please a man". But that's a subject for another day.

Two things need to change here. First of all, men need to stop telling women how to be beautiful. Instead, they should accept and appreciate women for being exactly the way they are. Secondly, women need to stop attacking each other. Women should be the first to support each other, no matter what. How do we change? By being more supportive, understanding, and accepting.

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